“What Now”—a film project in the making

“This film trailer is intended to plant the seeds for a feature length documentary about America’s veterans, and about America….It’s a story of return—of pain, isolation, loneliness, loss of human connection. It is also a story of the lack of public engagement—about civilian responsibility & accountability that has rarely been shared. It’s a journey into the ways we can change that, and why we must.”
~Terry Strauss, Filmmaker
Link to video: https://public.3.basecamp.com/p/Bed2YmYeqje3b3PU3Tu2DziG
This short video was created for introductory purposes to help situate the context of the film, and engage thought partners in how it might be used. It draws mostly on vignettes and quotes from a veterans’ retreat held a few years ago at the Omega Institute, a holistic retreat center.
Purposes of this film trailer are to (1) call attention to the importance of veterans telling their stories and the value of civilians hearing those stories, and (2) generate dialogue around service and purpose in society, and the shared responsibility that comes with that.
Within this context, it is increasingly evident that COVID and the nature of our society has left us with a wide-spread problem of loneliness and isolation, that the story of veterans can be recognized as a metaphor for what we all need—connection, community—and that helping solve this enduring problem for veterans can be a larger pathway with larger solutions.
We are interested in hearing from the CMM community about ways that the principles and concepts of CMM can be a part of understanding and addressing this complex and persistent social issue. Please feel invited to contact the team with your reactions and ideas.
Point of contact: Barton Buechner, bbuechner@adler.edu
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