CMM Publications
The theory and practice of CMM has developed over a number of decades: from the very early referenced work in the 1970s to the present. And it will develop further as we continue show that CMM really can help us understand, engage in, and change our social worlds for the better.
Below is a collection of the more recent books and publications, with a specific focus on the period from 2000 to the present. Where we’ve been able we’ve included links to the actual article or to where you can purchase the book.
CMM overview: the evolving collection
CMM understands the world to be polysemic, in a state of continuous creation, unfinished and reflexively mutable. If this is the state of the world, then we should not expect a good theory to be either precise or static. Instead of trying to represent such a world, CMM is a practical theory, designed to help us engage and participate wisely in such a world. As Vern Cronen suggested, CMM evolves, and does so by becoming richer through involvement in use, not by the addition of additional theorems and findings. For a discussion, see Cronen, V. E. (2001) Practical theory, practical art, and the pragmatic-systemic account of inquiry. Communication Theory, 11, 14-35 (Pearce, 2007)
In 2004, Kevin Barge and Barnett Pearce published “A reconnaissance of CMM research” and identified over a 100 published works falling under the rubric of the Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM). From their reconnaissance, they found that there was more of it, as well as a greater variety than they expected, from which they concluded “it gives sufficient empirical basis for confidence that CMM’s concepts and models are viable ways of engaging our social worlds. (p. 26). They also concluded that there was great deal of “unrealized potential due to missed opportunities, under-reported research, and prematurely abandoned research programs” (p.26).
Our current review of CMM work is intended to cover the period following Barge & Pearce’s review and to cover what they identified as “unrealized potential” by including unreported research along with other scholarly works that fall outside of the conventional ambit of “research”. To this end we have included, where we can, such unpublished work as masters and doctoral theses, reports of practical applications, and CMM extensions into hitherto unknown arenas.
Kevin Barge & Barnett Pearce (2004) also observed that the work falling under the rubric of CMM had changed dramatically over the years. CMM was first introduced as an interpersonal rules-based communication theory (Pearce, 1976) and was presented in its most elaborated form in Barnett Pearce & Vernon Cronen’s Communication Action and Meaning (1980). Since then it has evolved in terms of areas of application—from interpersonal to therapeutic, from organizational to civic governance, and from conflict management to media use, among other areas. The models and heuristics used have also evolved and expanded—from meaning and rules-based models to a complex mix of story models, levels of awareness, new metaphors and ideas from interpersonal neurobiology. And the practical-moral “driver” has evolved in parallel—from accounting for the dynamics of interpersonal systems to advocating ways of bringing about personal and social evolution.
As our introductory quote highlights, the evolution of CMM is to be both expected and encouraged. It is expected because of the very nature of the world-view on which CMM operates—a world-view that is premised on the open-ended nature of the social world and on the capacity of us in that social world to reflect upon it and change it. The evolution of CMM is also to be encouraged because with each evolutionary turn we are enriching our understanding of what is possible and what we can do to make our social worlds better.
This evolution, however, presents us with an interesting challenge: if CMM has evolved as we describe it, what now constitutes CMM scholarly work? What distinguishes CMM work from other theories, practical or otherwise? What is it that makes us say ‘that is CMM’ and ‘that is not’?”
Bearing in mind that CMM is in constant evolution, we have proposed the following core elements as indicative of a CMM approach:
- A basic belief: that we construct our social worlds in communicating
- A way of looking: at the joint actions of people in relationship
- Locus of meaning: in the joint action, where meaning is always unfinished
- Preferred communication patterns/forms: dialogic and cosmopolitan
- Moral driver: to bring about more productive ways for making better social worlds
- A set of heuristics compatible with the above, including the LUUUUUUTT, Daisy and Hierarchy of Meaning models.
All of these features constitute what we could call a CMM world-view or way of understanding social life. However, no one paper covers all facets and, indeed, many only explicitly focus on one. Yet, together, you can see the common threads that hold this collection together in what could be called the current CMM constellation.
CMM theory (general)
Barge, K. (2014). Communication competence and systemic practice. In S. Littlejohn & S. McNamee (Eds.), The Coordinated Management of Meaning: A Festschrift in honor of W. Barnett Pearce (pp. 137-159). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Barge, K. (2004). Articulating CMM as a practical theory. Human systems, 15, 193-204.
Barge, K. & Pearce, W. B. (2004). A reconnaissance of CMM research. Human systems, 1, 13-32.
Chen, V. (2004). The possibility of critical dialogue in the theory of CMM. Human Systems, 15, 179-192.
Creede, C. Fisher-Yoshida, B. & Gallegos, P (Eds.) (2012). The reflective, facilitative, and interpretive practices of the Coordinated Management of Meaning: Making lives, making meaning. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Cronen, V. (2017). We communicate, therefore I think, in R. Summers (Ed.), Social psychology: How other people influence our thoughts and actions. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Press. Available at
Cronen, V. (2014). CMM, argumentation, and moral force. In S. Littlejohn & S. McNamee (Eds.), The Coordinated Management of Meaning: A Festschrift in honor of W. Barnett Pearce (pp. 51-75). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Cronen, V. (2009). Social construction without dualism: Repairing the ruptures and making connections. In G. Galanes & W. Leeds-Hurwitz (Eds.) Socially Constructing Communication. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, pp. 37-95. Available at:
Cronen, V. Lang, P. & Lang. S. (2009). Circular questions and Coordinated Management of Meaning Theory. Human Systems, 20 (1), 7-34. Available at
Cronen, V. & Chetro-Szivos, J. (2001). Pragmatism as a way of inquiring with special reference to a theory of communication and the general form of pragmatic social theory. In D. Perry (Ed.), American pragmatism and communication research (pp. 27-65). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Available at
Cronen, V. & Chetro-Szivos, J. (2002). Consummatory moments and moral order in organisational life. In T. Meisner (Ed.), A symphony of appreciation. Odense, Denmark: Danish Psychology Press. Available at
Galanes, G. & Leeds-Hurwitz, W. (2009) (Eds.) Socially constructing communication. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. Available at:
Griffin, E. (2014). Coordinated management of meaning (CMM). In E. Griffin, A. Ledbetter & G. Sparks. A first look at communication theory. McGraw-Hill.
Holmgren, A. (2004) Saying, doing and making: Teaching CMM theory. Human Systems, 15, 89-100.
Jensen, A. (2020). A call to cosmopolitan communication: A narrative of richness and mystery. Oracle, AZ: CMMi Press.
Jensen, A. & Penman, R. (2018). CMM: A brief overview.
Kearney, J. (2004). “Making up” a Masters programme: CMM and the co-construction of the teaching and learning processes in time and space. Human Systems, 15, 61-76.
Littlejohn, S. & McNamee, S. (Eds.). (2014) The Coordinated Management of Meaning: A Festschrift in honor of W. Barnett Pearce. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Littlejohn, S. & Foss, K. (2009). Coordinated Management of Meaning. In S.W. Littlejohn & K. A. Foss (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Communication Theory, vol. 1. (pp. 200-203). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Murray, D. (2012). Interactional logics: Moving CMM forward by looking back. In C. Creede, B. Fisher-Yoshida & P. Gallegos (Eds.), The reflective, facilitative, and interpretive practices of the Coordinated Management of Meaning: Making lives, making meaning (pp.153-171). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Oliver, C. (2013). Coordinating logics of meaning and action: Developing a vocabulary of the (Un)consciousness. In S. Littlejohn & S. McNamee (Eds.), The Coordinated Management of Meaning: A Festschrift in honor of W. Barnett Pearce (pp. 271-289). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Oliver, C. (2004). Reflexive inquiry and the strange loop tool. Human Systems, 15, 127-140.
Parrish-Sprowl, J. (2014). Communication complex. In T.L. Thompson & G. Golson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of health communication. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Pearce, K. (2004). Reconceptualising teaching: Using CMM to change rules and relationships in classrooms. Human Systems, 15, 77-88.
Pearce, W. B. (2014). At home in the universe with miracles and horizons: Reflections on personal and social evolution. In S. Littlejohn & S. McNamee (Eds.), The Coordinated Management of Meaning: A Festschrift in honor of W. Barnett Pearce (pp. 1-47). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Pearce, W.B. (2012). Evolution and transformation: A brief history of CMM and a meditation on what using it does to us. In C. Creede, B. Fisher-Yoshida & P. Gallegos (Eds.), The reflective, facilitative, and interpretive practices of the Coordinated Management of Meaning: Making lives, making meaning (pp.1-21). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Pearce, W. B. (2009). Communication and social construction: Claiming our birthright. In W. Leeds-Hurwitz & G. Galanes (Eds). Socially Constructing Communication (pp. 33-56). Cresskill, N. J.: Hampton Press. Available at
Pearce, W. B. (2007). Making social worlds: A communication perspective. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Pearce, W. B. (2004). The coordinated management of meaning. In W. Gudykunst (Ed.), Theorizing about intercultural communication (pp. 35-54). Sage Publications. Available at
Pearce, W. B. (2003). Civic maturity: Musings about a metaphor. Revised version of a paper presented to the Action Research Symposium, Fielding Graduate Institute, July, 2001. Available at
Pearce, W. B. (2002). A brief introduction to the Coordinated Management of Meaning. Unpublished paper, San Mateo, CA. Available at
Pearce, W. B. (2002). Systems: Schools of thought and traditions of practice. Unpublished paper. Available at
Pearce, K. (2014). On the significance of ‘The Seventh Miracle’ for personal and social evolution. In S. Littlejohn & S. McNamee (Eds.), The Coordinated Management of Meaning: A Festschrift in honor of W. Barnett Pearce (pp. 313-330). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Pearce, K. (2007). CMM and the evolution of social consciousness. Unpublished manuscript.
Penman, R. & Jensen (2019). Making better social worlds: Inspirations from the Theory of the Coordinated Management of Meaning. Oracle, AZ: CMMi Press. Available at:
Penman, R. (2014). On being present and participating: Projecting into 21st century media life. In S. Littlejohn & S. McNamee (Eds.), The Coordinated Management of Meaning: A Festschrift in honor of W. Barnett Pearce (pp. 95-116). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Penman, R. (2014). Coordinated management of meaning. Key concepts in Intercultural dialogue, No. 4
Shotter, J. & Ravello, C. (2014). Social worlds in their making: Systemic thinking from within CMM. In S. Littlejohn & S. McNamee (Eds.), The Coordinated Management of Meaning: A Festschrift in honor of W. Barnett Pearce (pp. 117-136). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Wasserman, I. (2014). Strengthening interpersonal awareness and fostering relational eloquence. In B. Ferdman & B. Deane (Eds.). Diversity at work: the practice of inclusion (pp. 128-154). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Wasserman, I. & Fisher-Yoshida, B. (2017). Communicating possibilities: A brief introduction to the Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM). Chagrin Falls, OH: A Taos Institute Publication. Available at:
Communication perspective
Penman, R. (2025). Justice in the Making: Relating, Participating, Communicating. Oracle, AZ: CMMi Press.
Chetro-Szivos, J. (2014). Getting hold of the difficulty deep down: Teaching from the communication perspective. In S. Littlejohn & S. McNamee (Eds.), The Coordinated Management of Meaning: A festschrift in honor of W. Barnett Pearce (pp. 237-251). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Fisher-Yoshida, B. (2009). Coaching to transform perspectives. In J. Mezirow & E. Taylor (Eds.), Transformative learning in practice. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Fisher-Yoshida, B. (2009). Transformative learning in participative processes that reframe self-identity. In B. Fisher-Yoshida, K. Geller & S. Shapiro (Eds.), Innovations in transformative learning: Space, culture and the arts. Counterpoint series. New York: Peter Lang.
Parrish-Sprowl, J. (2014). Communication complex. In T.L. Thompson & G. Golson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of health communication. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Parrish-Sprowl, J. & Parish-Sprowl, S, (2014). Communication complex: An applied elaboration of the communication perspective. Paper presented at the CMMI Learning Exchange, Oracle, AZ. Available at
Penman, R. (2012). On taking communication seriously. Australian Journal of Communication, 39(3),41-64. Available at:
Penman, R & Turnbull, S. (2012). From listening…into the dialogical realities of participatory democracy. Continuum 26(1), 61-72.
Penman, R. (2008). Making a place for the practice of dissenting. In S. Banks (Ed.), Dissent and the failure of leadership. New York: Edward Elgar Publishing. Available at:
Penman, R. (2000). Reconstructing communicating: Looking to a future. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Van Middendorp, S. (2014). Improvising with metaphors in the design process of a new media system: A communication perspective. Presented at the 3rd annual CMM Learning Exchange, Oracle, AZ: CMM Institute for Personal and Social Evolution.
Compassion and interpersonal relationships
Creed, C. (2014). Elevating generative identity stories as a practice of compassion: Enacting the seventh miracle. In S. Littlejohn & S. McNamee (Eds.), The Coordinated Management of Meaning: A Festschrift in honor of W. Barnett Pearce (pp. 77-93). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Fisher-Yoshida, B. & Yoshida, R. (2016). Transformative learning and its relevance to coaching. In S. Grief et al (Eds.), Handbook of key concepts for coaching. Berlin, Germany: Springer.
Montgomery, E. (2004). “Tortured families: A Coordinated Management of Meaning analysis.” Family Process, 43, 349-371.
Murray, D. S. (2014). Navigating toward andragogy: Coordination and management of student-professor conversations. Western Journal of Communication, 78 (3), 310-336.
Pearce, K. (2012). Compassionate communicating: poetry, prose & practices. Oracle, AZ: CMM Institute for Personal and Social Evolution.
Peleg-Baker, T. (May, 2020) Is this Corona Crisis a Good Time to Dive Deeper into Our Relationships? In eBook Living Together, Separating, Divorcing: Surviving During a Pandemic–a collaborative project among scholars and practitioners from Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Ireland, Italy, Poland, South Africa, Trinidad, the UK, and the US.
Stewart, J. (2013). U & Me: Communicating in moments that matter. Chagrin Falls, OH: The Taos Institute Publications. Available at:
Swords, N., Orbe, M., Cooke-Jackson, A. & Johnson, A. (2013). The Coordinated Management of Meaning of sex: The social construction of male college student logical forces. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Washington, DC, November 21-24, 2013.
Conflict management
Cronen, V. (2014). CMM, argumentation, and moral force. In S. Littlejohn & S. McNamee (Eds.), The Coordinated Management of Meaning: A Festschrift in honor of W. Barnett Pearce (pp. 51-75). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press
Fisher-Yoshida, B. (2012). Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM) as reflective practice. In C. Creede, B. Fisher-Yoshida, & P. Gallegos (Eds.), The reflective, facilitative and interpretive practices of the Coordinated Management of Meaning: Making lives, making meaning (pp. 219-239). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Fisher-Yoshida, B. (2013). Transforming intercultural conflict through the context of relationship. In S. Ting-Toomey and J. Oetzel (Eds.), The handbook of conflict communication, 2nd edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Fisher-Yoshida, B. (2012). Transforming communication for peace. In P.T. Coleman and M. Deutsch (Eds.), The psychological components of a sustainable peace. New York: Springer.
Fisher-Yoshida, B. & Wasserman, I. (2006). Moral conflict and engaging alternative perspectives. In M. Deutsch, P. T. Coleman, & E. Marcus (Eds.), The handbook of conflict resolution: Theory and practice, 2nd edition. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Fisher-Yoshida, B. (2005). Reframing conflict: Intercultural conflict as potential transformation. The journal of intercultural communication. Vol. 8, June 2005.
Fisher-Yoshida, B. (2003). Self-awareness and the co-construction of conflict. Human systems: The journal of systemic consultation and management. Vol. 14, Issue 4, 2003.
Fisher-Yoshida, B. (2000). Altering awareness of self, other and context in conflict resolution: Impact, feedback and reflection. Dissertation Abstracts International, 61/03, 1694B, (UMI No. 9966201).
Littlejohn, S. (2014). Moral conflict, communication, and the management of difference. In S. Littlejohn & S. McNamee (Eds.), The Coordinated Management of Meaning: A Festschrift in honor of W. Barnett Pearce (pp. 183-198). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Littlejohn, S. & Domenici, K. (2013). Communication, conflict and the management of difference. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press.
Littlejohn, S. & Cole, K. (2013). Moral conflict. In J. Oetzel & S. Ting-Toomey (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Conflict Communication, 2nd ed, (pp. 585-608). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Loh, K. (2016). CMM and mediation: Tools towards sustainable peace. Paper presented at the CMMI Learning Exchange, Oracle, AZ. Available at
Peleg-Baker, T. (2014) Improving Mediators’ Decision-Making by Becoming Conscious of the Unconscious Cognitive Considerations for Reflection to Attain Social-Psychological Goals. DOI 10.2139/ssrn.2443930
Peleg-Baker, T. (2014) Shedding Light on Mediators’ Decision-Making: Conscious & Unconscious Mental Processing Determining Experts’ Automatic Intuitive Decisions.
Peleg-Baker, T. (2104). Leading sustainable relationships: A framework of three fundamental conditions for transforming conflicts to opportunities. Paper presented at Conflict Studies and Global Governance Conference, October University of Massachusetts, Boston. Available at
Putnam, L. (2014). Applying and extending principles of CMM to framing and conflict transformation. In S. Littlejohn & S. McNamee (Eds.), The Coordinated Management of Meaning: A Festschrift in honor of W. Barnett Pearce (pp. 199-215). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Chetro-Szivos, J., Haavimb, M.E., & Pearce, K. (2001) “CosmoKidz: Helping Children Make Better Social Worlds.” In, Communication Begins with Children: A Lifespan Communication Sourcebook, Thomas J. Socha and Narissra Maria Punyanunt-Carter, Eds. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2001, pgs. 231-246.
Pearce, K. (2014) Reflections of CosmoKidz in kindergarten through second grade classes at Mountain Vista School in Oracle, Arizona. Report to the Kettering Foundation.
Pearce, K. (2015). Summary of the use of CosmoKidz in kindergarten through second grade classes Oracle, Arizona, Academic Year 2014-2015. Report to the Kettering Foundation.
Pearce, K. (2016) The use of CosmoKidz in K-2 Classes in Oracle, Arizona to help children develop the social skills needed for effective citizenship. Final Report to the Kettering Foundation.
Pearce, K. (2018). Teaching communicating skills for civic and democratic health and vibrancy: Summary of year #1 of CosmoKidz in k-2 classes in Hammond and Tickfaw, Louisiana. Report to Kettering Foundation.
Pearce, K. & Haavimb, M. E. (2018). CosmoKidz: Teaching children response-abilities in their relationships. Context, the magazine for family therapy and systemic practice in the UK, 156, AFT.
Cosmopolitan communication
Jensen, A. (2020). A call to cosmopolitan communication: A narrative of richness and mystery. Oracle, AZ: CMMi Press.
Jensen, A., Jensen, S., Pearce, K. & Penman, R. (2021). The elephant in the room: Righteous minds and cosmopolitan communication. CMMi Working Papers, No. 1.
Penman, R. & Jensen (2019). Making better social worlds: Inspirations from the Theory of the Coordinated Management of Meaning. Oracle, AZ: CMMi Press.
Penman, R. (Ed). (2021). A cosmopolitan sensibility: Compelling stories from a communication perspective. Oracle, AZ: CMMi Press.
Penman, R. & Jensen, A. (n.d.) The evolving world of Cosmopolis.
Rossman, L. (2004). Remembering the Alamo: Cosmopolitan communication and grammars of transcendence. Human Systems, 15, 33-44. Retrieved from
Steen, S., Mackenzie. L. & Buechner, B. (2018). Incorporating cosmopolitan communication into diverse teaching and training contexts. In J.D. Wallace & D. Becker (Eds.), The handbook of communication training: A best practices framework for assessing and developing competence. New York: Routledge.
Van Middendorp, S. (2012). Acting wisely into a cosmopolitan world: Improvising with metaphors in Cosmopolis 2045’s in-groove jazzclub. Presented at the SIETAR Forum 2012+38: Global Integral Competence and Cosmopolitan Communication, Berlin.
Witt, J. & Steen, S. (2021). Talking and listening to build a stronger military: Cosmopolitan communication as an essential skill of military leader development. The Journal of Character and Leadership Development, Winter, pp. 190-204.
Adams, C., Berquist, C. Dillon, R. & Galanes, G. (2004). CMM and public dialogue: Practical theory in a community-wide communication project. Human systems, 15, 115-126.
Blong, L. (2012). Facilitating episode work. In C. Creede, B. Fisher-Yoshida & P. Gallegos (Eds.), The reflective, facilitative and interpretive practices of the Coordinated Management of Meaning: Making lives, making meaning (pp. 47-63). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Chen, V. (2014). Transforming power through systemic questioning in dialogue: A perspective from the Theory of the Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM). In S. Littlejohn and S. McNamee (Eds.), The Coordinated Management of Meaning: A festschrift in honor of W. Barnett Pearce (pp. 163-181). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Chen, V. (2013). Using CMM and systemic questioning in public dialogue. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Washington, DC, November 21-24.
Chetro-Szivos, J. & Gray, P. (2004). Creating conversational spaces on campus: Connecting students & faculty through appreciative inquiry and circular questioning, Journal of Student Centered Learning, 2(1), 35-42.
Deetz, S. (2013). Power and the possibility of generative community dialogue. In S. Littlejohn and S. McNamee (Eds.), The Coordinated Management of Meaning: A festschrift in honor of W. Barnett Pearce (pp. 217-234). Madison: NJ. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Fisher-Yoshida, B. (2014). Creating constructive communication through dialogue. In P. T. Coleman, M. Deutsch & E. Marcus (Eds.) Handbook of conflict resolution: Theory and practice, 3rd edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Foley, P. (2013). Stories lived and stories told of rights, roles and diversity: Using the CMM LUUUUTT model to design campus-wide dialogues. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Washington, DC, November 21-24.
Pearce, K. (2011). Public engagement and civic maturity: A Public Dialogue Consortium perspective. Lulu Press.
Pearce, W. B. & Pearce, K. (2003). Taking a communication perspective on dialogue. In R. Anderson, L. A. Baxter, & K. N. Cissna (Eds.), Dialogue: Theorizing difference in communication studies (pp. 39-56). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Pearce, W. B. & Pearce, K. (2000). Combining passions and abilities: Toward dialogic virtuosity. Southern Communication Journal, 65, 161-175. Available at
Peleg-Baker, T. (2019). Dialogue as a Way of Being: From Adversarial to Dialogic Relation- Fundamental Considerations for Relational Sustainability,” in S. Peleg (Ed) Intercultural and Interfaith Dialogues for Global Peacebuilding and Stability, IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7585-6.ch003
Penman, R. (2014). Public dialogue. Key Concepts in Intercultural Dialogue, No 8.
Penman, R. (2014). Dialogic civility. Key Concepts in Intercultural Dialogue, No. 29.
Penman, R. (2014). Dialogic listening. Key Concepts in Intercultural Dialogue, No. 37.
Penman, R & Turnbull, S. (2012). From listening…into the dialogical realities of participatory democracy. Continuum, 26(1), 61-72.
Penman, R. (2009). Toward satisfying dialogue. In K. Gergen, S. Schrader & M. Gergen (Eds.), Constructing worlds together: Interpersonal communication as relational process (pp.100-103). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Spano, S. (2001). Public dialogue and participatory democracy: The Cupertino community project. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Peterson, M. J. (2012). CMM and the case of the missing body. In C. Creede, B. Fisher-Yoshida & P. Gallegos (Eds.), The reflective, facilitative and interpretive practices of the Coordinated Management of Meaning: Making lives, making meaning (pp. 241-258). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Van Middendorp, S. (2017). Embodying metaphors in systems: Explorations in the philosophy of improvisation, design, and communication. Delft, The Netherlands: Eburon Academic Publishers.
Van Middendorp, S. (2016). Embodying metaphors in systems (Doctoral dissertation). Fielding Graduate University, Santa Barbara, CA. Retrieved from
Barnett, N. (2014). The process of diagnosis delivery of autism spectrum disorders. PhD thesis, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque.
Forsyth, L. (2012). CMM and healthcare qualitative simulation research: Developing the team’s voice. In C. Creede, B. Fisher-Yoshida & P. Gallegos (Eds.), The reflective, facilitative and interpretive practices of the Coordinated Management of Meaning: Making lives, making meaning (pp. 95-106). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Forsythe, L. (2009). Action research, simulation, team communication, and bringing the tacit into voice. Society for Simulation in Healthcare, 4 (3), 143-148.
Leppington, R. (2013). Connecting CMM with energy psychology: Joining two paradigms towards healing. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Washington, DC, November 21-24.
Parrish-Sprowl, J. (2013). Communication complex: Achieving improved public health through greater coordination and collaboration. A world united against infectious diseases: Cross-Sectoral Solutions: Proceedings of the Prince Mahidol Awards Conference. Bangkok, Thailand 263-266
Tenzek, K. Cramer, E. & Allen, M. (2013). Spirituality and Coordinated Management of Meaning: Examining the chaplain’s role in social construction of a ‘Good Death’. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Washington, DC, November 21-24.
Interpersonal neurobiology
Chetro-Szivos , J. (2013). Circular questioning and interpersonal neurobiology. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Washington, DC, November 21-24.
Jensen, A. (2013). Communicating empathically: CMM and the deeply social brain. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Washington, DC, November 21-24.
Parrish-Sprowl, J. (2013). Risk communication from a communication complex perspective. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Washington, DC, November 21-24.
Parrish-Sprowl, S. (2013). Locating mental health: Implications of our evolving understanding of the social nature of the brain. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Washington, DC, November 21-24.
Cronen, V. (2004). Something old, something new: CMM and mass communication, Human Systems: The Journal of Systemic Consultation & Management, 15(3), pp. 167-178. Available at:
Meyers, C. (2014(). Social media doesn’t have to be isolating: Using CMM Theory and social video to make meaning between parents and teenagers. Fellow’s paper presented at the CMMI learning Exchange, October, Oracle, AZ.
Penman, R. (2014). On being present and participating: Projecting into 21st century media life. In S. Littlejohn and S. McNamee (Eds.), The Coordinated Management of Meaning: A festschrift in honor of W. Barnett Pearce (pp. 95-116). Madison, NJ: Farleigh Dickson University Press.
Penman, R & Turnbull, S. (2012). From listening…into the dialogical realities of participatory democracy. Continuum 26(1), 61-72.
Vinhateiro, C. & Cronen, V. (2016). Integrated marketing, communication and social media. In J. Pursuit and C. McDowell Marinchak (Eds.), Integrated marketing communication: Creating spaces for engagement (pp. 87-110). Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. Available at:
Metaphor, improvisation, jazz and communication
Lannamann, J. (2014). Mixing metaphors and metamorphosis: CMM and the discourse of making better social worlds. In S. Littlejohn & S. McNamee (Eds.), The Coordinated Management of Meaning: A Festschrift in honor of W. Barnett Pearce (pp. 253-270). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Van Middendorp, S. (2017). Embodying metaphors in systems: Explorations in the philosophy of improvisation, design, and communication. Delft, The Netherlands: Eburon Academic Publishers.
Van Middendorp, S. (2016). Embodying metaphors in systems (Doctoral dissertation). Fielding Graduate University, Santa Barbara, CA. Retrieved from
Van Middendorp, S. (2014). Improvising with metaphors in the design process of a new media system: A communication perspective. Presented at the 3rd annual CMM Learning Exchange, Oracle, AZ: CMM Institute for Personal and Social Evolution.
Van Middendorp, S. (2012). Acting wisely into a cosmopolitan world: Improvising with metaphors in Cosmopolis 2045’s in-groove jazzclub. Presented at the SIETAR Forum 2012+38: Global Integral Competence and Cosmopolitan Communication, Berlin.
Fisher, J. & Fisher-Yoshida, B. (2017). Educating educators: Using theory, practice, case studies, and simulations in an integrated learning experience. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, (NCMR), Vol. 10, Issue 4, November 2017.
Rascon, N. & Littlejohn, S. (2017). Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM): A research manual. Chagrin Falls, OH: The Taos Institute Publications.
Wasserman, I. (2018). Participants as collaborators: coordinated management of meaning (CMM) as collaborative research method. In L. Booysen, R. Bendl & J. Pringle (Eds.), Handbook of research methods in diversity management, equality and inclusion at work (pp. 247-269). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Mindfulness and spiritual practice
Fuks, S. (2004). “Craftsmanship of contexts: An as yet unfinished story of my connection with CMM. Human Systems, 15, 101-114.
Hutcheson, J. (2012). Achieving a transcendent episode: A CMM analysis of a theological task force in the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. In C. Creede, B. Fisher-Yoshida & P. Gallegos (Eds.), The reflective, facilitative and interpretive practices of the Coordinated Management of Meaning: Making lives, making meaning (pp. 111-122). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Nagata, A. L. (2012). Body mindfulness in coordinating the management of meaning across cultures. In C. Creede, B. Fisher-Yoshida & P. Gallegos (Eds.), The reflective, facilitative and interpretive practices of the Coordinated Management of Meaning: Making lives, making meaning (pp. 259-275). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Pearce, K. (2012). Living into very bad news: The use of CMM as spiritual practice. in In C. Creede, B. Fisher-Yoshida & P. Gallegos (Eds.), The reflective, facilitative and interpretive practices of the Coordinated Management of Meaning: Making lives, making meaning (pp. 277-293). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Moral injury, veterans' reintegration to society
Beuchner, B. (2014). Contextual mentoring of student veterans: A communication perspective. PhD Dissertation, Fielding Graduate University.
Buechner, B., Van Middendorp, S. & Spann, R. (2018). Moral injury on the front lines of truth: Encounters with liminal experience and the transformation of meaning.” Schutzian Research, 10, 51–84.
Boucher, R. H. (2014). Creative breakthrough emergence: A conversational accomplishment. Ph D thesis, Fielding Graduate University.
Cronen, V. & Chetro-Szivos, J. (2002). Consummatory moments and moral order in organisational life. In T. Meisner (Ed.) A symphony of appreciation. Odense, Denmark: Danish Psychology Press. Available at:
Hedman, E. & Gesch-Karamanlidis, E. (2014). Facilitating conversations that matter using Coordinated Management of Meaning Theory.
Jakobi, E. (2014). Let us tell a story anew: Aspects of continuity, discontinuity and life-giving in organizational narratives of self. AC4 Fellow’s paper presented at CMMI Learning Exchange, October, Oracle, AZ.….pdf
Jakobi, E. (2014). Maintenance and Transformation of Problematic Organizational Meta-Narratives of Identity. Unpublished manuscript.
Marrs, P. (2012). Taming the lizard: Transforming conversations-gone-bad at work. In C. Creede, B. Fisher-Yoshida & P. Gallegos (Eds.), The reflective, facilitative and interpretive practices of the Coordinated Management of Meaning: Making lives, making meaning (pp. 77-93). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Parker, P. Hall, D.T., Kram, K. & Wasserman, I. (2018). Peer coaching at work: Principles and practices. Redwood City, CA: Stanford University Press.
Parker, P., Wasserman, I., Kram, K. &. Hall, D.T. (2015). A relational communication approach to peer coaching, The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, pp. 1-22.
Parrish-Sprowl, J. (2012). Organizational performance: Moving from communication simple to communication complex. Organizational Consulting. (2) 38. P. 18-20.
Rossmann, L. (2013). Transcending gangs: Latinas story their experience. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Stein, I. (2012). Levels of context in professional coach-client communication. In C. Creede, B. Fisher-Yoshida & P. Gallegos (Eds.), The reflective, facilitative and interpretive practices of the Coordinated Management of Meaning: Making lives, making meaning (pp. 65-75). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Sostrin, J. (2013). Re-making communication at work. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Sostrin, J. (2013). Beyond the job description: How managers and employees can navigate the true demands of the job . Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Wasserman, I. (2014). Strengthening interpersonal awareness and fostering relational eloquence. In B. Ferdman & B. Deane (Eds.). Diversity at work: the practice of inclusion (pp. 128-154). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Wasserman, I. (2014). Strengthening interpersonal awareness and fostering relational eloquence. In B. Ferdman and B. Deane, (Eds.), Diversity at work: The practice of inclusion. New York: Wiley and Sons.
Wasserman, I. (2012). CMM: A reflective tool for engaging diversity and adversity. In C. Creede, B. Fisher-Yoshida & P. Gallegos (Eds.), The reflective, facilitative and interpretive practices of the Coordinated Management of Meaning: Making lives, making meaning (pp. 197-217). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Wasserman, I. & Gallegos, P.V. (2009). Engaging diversity: Disorienting dilemmas that transform relationships. In B. Fisher-Yoshida, K. Schapiro & S. Geller (Eds.), Innovations in transformative learning. Peter Lang Publishers.
Social issues
Penman, R. (2025). Justice in the Making: Relating, Participating, Communicating. Oracle, AZ: CMMi Press.
Aho, A. (2013). The Coordinated Management of Meaning: Exploring the meaning of fandom among Boston Celtics fans, Master Thesis, Fitchburg State University.
Bentley, K. (2012). From the ground up: How a grassroots group’s management of meaning is feeding people, fostering sustainable agriculture, and cultivating community. In C. Creede, B. Fisher-Yoshida & P. Gallegos (Eds.), The reflective, facilitative and interpretive practices of the Coordinated Management of Meaning: Making lives, making meaning (pp. 139-151). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Buechner, B., Dirkx, J., Dauber Konvisser, Z., Myers, D., Peleg-Baker, T. (2020) “From Liminality to Communitas: The Collective Dimensions of Transformative Learning.” Journal of Transformative Education (JTED). Sage (February, 2020)
Creede, C. (2012) Using circular questioning as a self-reflective journaling practice. In C. Creede, B. Fisher-Yoshida & P. Gallegos (Eds.), The reflective, facilitative and interpretive practices of the Coordinated Management of Meaning: Making lives, making meaning (pp. 124-138). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Leinaweaver, J. (2012). On becoming a global human: CMM, international adoption, and the global burden of self. In C. Creede, B. Fisher-Yoshida & P. Gallegos (Eds.), The reflective, facilitative and interpretive practices of the Coordinated Management of Meaning: Making lives, making meaning (pp. 173-189). Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Parrish-Sprowl, J. (2013). Making change that matters: A story of social transformation and CMM. In S. Littlejohn and S. McNamee (Eds.), The Coordinated Management of Meaning: A festschrift in honor of W. Barnett Pearce (pp. 291-311) Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
Pearce, W. B. (2009). Communication literacy and public participation. Unpublished manuscript.
Pearce, W.B. (2002) Toward a national conversation about public issues. In W. F. Eadie & P. E. Nelson (Eds.), The changing conversation in America (pp.13-37). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Penman, R. (2016). Embodying activism within the CMM ethos: A conversation starter for the 2016 CMMI Learning Exchange, October, Oracle, AZ.
Penman, R. (2022). Racial justice, relational responsivity and responsibility. CMMi Working Papers No. 2, February.
Rossman, L. (2013). Using the Daisy Model to create alternative stories for gang-involved women. Paper presented at the annual conference of the National Communication Association, Washington, DC, November 21-24.
Sunddarajan, N. & Spano. S. (2004). CMM and the co-construction of domestic violence. Human Systems, 15, 45-58.
Van Middendorp, S., Habib, L., Hartkamp, A. D., Mesquita da Silva, F., & Steier, F. (2021). Collaborative support networks for sustainability leadership. In Leadership in Sustainability: Perspectives on Research, Policy, and Practice (pp. 290–316). Fielding University Press.
Barbetta, P. (2004). The name of the deceiver: Foucauldian readings on MCM (anagram of CMM). Human Systems, 15, 141-152.
Cronen, V. & Lang, P. (2011) Language and action: Wittgenstein and Dewey in the practice of therapy and consultation. Human Systems, 22(1), 271-313. Available at:
Pearce, W. B. & Pearce, K. (1998). Transcendent storytelling: Abilities for systemic practitioners and their clients. Human Systems, 9 (3-4), 167-184. Available at:
Schnitman, D. (2004) Generative instruments of CMM. Human Systems, 15, 153-164. Available at:
CMM work in non-English publications
Written in Danish:
Haavimb, M. E. (2014). Kap. 2: CosmoKidz – Børns læring som drivkraft for kulturudvikling,” In Gro Emmertsen Lund and Gitte Haslebo (Eds.), Kulturudvikling I skolen – hvordan? Dansk Psykologisk Forlag.
Haavimb, M. E. (2013). Hjernepuss – når øyeblikkene teller, .
(The title in English: Brain-brushing; when moments makes the difference)
Haslebo, G. & Lund, G. E. (2015). “Relationsutdvikling i skolen,” Dansk Psykologisk Forlag. (Uses CMM as one of its foundational theories, without there being a specific chapter on it.)
Lund, G. E. (2015). Socialkonstruktionisme i organisationer – kort fortalt, CMM-teorien. Dansk Psykologisk Forlag, Specialtrykkeriet A/S, Kap. 4, pp. 57-81.
Pearce, W. B., Sostrin, J. & Pearce, K. (2011). Håndbog i CMM for konsulenter» (Forlaget Mindspace)
Pearce, W. B., Sostrin, J. & Pearce, K. (2011). Arbejdsbog i CMM for konsulenter (Forlaget Mindspace)
Pearce, W. B. (2009). Kommunikation og skabelsen af Sociale verdener (Dansk Psykologisk Forlag).
Written in Norwegian:
Jensen, P. & Ullberg, I. (2011). “Mellom ordene. Kommunikasjon i profesjonell praksis,” Koordinert mestring av mening (KMM), Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, Kap. 10, pp. 176-188.
Written in English/ Published in Slovene language:
Haavimb, M.E. & Simonovic, I. (2010). “Pond at the edge” (Can be ordered by contacting
Same book published in Slovene language (translated from English):
Ifigenija Simonovic and Marit Eikaas Haavimb (2012). “Jezerce na robu”, MIS zalosba.
Some early important works
Pearce, W.B. (1989). Communication and the human condition. Carbondale: Southern Illinois Press.
Pearce, W.B. (1994). Interpersonal communication: Making social worlds. NY: Harper Collins.
Pearce, W. B. & Cronen, V. (1980). Communication, action and meaning. Praeger.
Pearce, W.B. & Littlejohn, S. (1997). Moral conflict: when social worlds collide. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Reviews and publications blog

Interpersonal Communication: Award nomination
Interpersonal Communication: Award nomination
Earlier this year we announced that the 8th edition of Arthur Jensen and Sarah Trenholm’s interpersonal communication textbook had been published. Now the publishers, Cognella, have nominated the 8th edition of Interpersonal Communication for the McGuffey Longevity Award which honors textbooks that have had a long shelf life.
Replicability and fraud: Unintended consequence of modernity
Replicability and fraud: Unintended consequence of modernity
We often take the idea of forms of communication to indicate different ways of engaging with others. However, different forms can go beyond the interpersonal level to impact on social structures and practices. In a fascinating paper, John Parrish-Sprowl, argues that the form of modernity has had a direct and often deleterious effect on the scientific research enterprise.
Stories of destiny
Stories of destiny
What is destiny and to what extent do we have a role to play in controlling the events of our lives? How much we can be effective in shaping our fate, life and death? These are the central questions explored in a new book, The Valley of Loneliness, written by Hossein Kaviani, a past CMMi Fellow.
A great new interpersonal communication text: Review
A great new interpersonal communication text: Review
John Chetro-Szivos reviews Arthur Jensen’s and Sarah Trenholm’s newly published interpersonal communication text. This is a significantly revised eighth edition of their undergraduate text that John describes as masterfully weaving information on interpersonal theory into a vibrant tapestry of ideas and applications. John sums up his review with “this is the text I wish I had as an undergraduate”.
Better ways of negotiating
Better ways of negotiating
Following on from the success of her latest book, New story, new power: A woman’s guide to negotiation, Beth Fisher Yoshida has contributed to a number of specific publications addressing different aspects of her work. These include the role of power dynamics, stories of gender, using new generative patterns, and overcoming stereotypes in negotiations.
Changing our way of understanding communication to align with a quantum paradigm
Changing our way of understanding communication to align with a quantum paradigm
John and Susan Parrish-Sprowl have just published an exciting new article, A case for a quantum informed approach to health communication research. In this paper, they argue it is time that communication theory and research shifts from a Newtonian understanding of the world to more a quantum paradigm. This would help us in ways to invite more inclusion as well as a more meaningful conceptualization of communication and its relationship to health.
Rituals that sustain and nurture relationships: Honoring Ed Schein
Rituals that sustain and nurture relationships: Honoring Ed Schein
Emeritus Professor Edgar H. Schein, a social psychologist who bridged the academic and practical sides of culture and organization by practicing his own tenets on humble presence, inquiring and reflecting, died earlier this year. Ilene Wasserman recently published a paper in honour of Ed Schein in which she reflects on the profoundly simple lessons learnt from her relationship with him.
CMM-informed perspectives on creating online learning environments
CMM-informed perspectives on creating online learning environments
Lilya Shienko, a 2021-2022 CMM Institute Fellow, has co-authored two book chapters with CMM Institute Board member Barton Buechner. These chapters are extensions of her Fellow’s project work in which she extends her fellow’s project work. The first of these chapters is on “Co-constructing belongingness— Strategies for creating community and shared purpose online: The social construction of community and meaning” and the second is “Getting ‘unstuck’—Transforming lived experience of veterans in transition to civilian life.”
New Story, New Power: An exciting new publication
New Story, New Power: An exciting new publication
Beth Fisher Yoshida has just published an exciting new book, New Story, New Power: A Woman’s Guide to Negotiation. Her book draws on 30 years of negotiation research and practice, offering a critical guide on how women can dump the cultural baggage that makes negotiation difficult and how they can write a new story to strengthen their resolve and negotiation acumen.
Narrative Timelines in Negotiation Preparation
Narrative Timelines in Negotiation Preparation
Following on from the successful publication of her new book on negotiation strategies for women, Beth Fisher-Yoshida describes some of the conceptual background to negotiation practices. In this article, Beth explains the importance of narrative awareness in the preparation for negotiations.