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The Cosmopolis2045 project is a collaborative thought experiment involving many people and taking place over a number of years exploring the question of what sort of better social world can be made possible through attending meaningfully to the process of communicating.

The website depicting our vision of Cosmopolis is one manifestation of our response to the challenge of how do you envision better social worlds, knowing that there is no “best” goal outside of the very process of communicating itself. On that site, we have created a virtual depiction of a community set in the future (circa 2045) in which residents and leaders of the community have adopted a communication-centric view of how their own and other social worlds function. It is our belief, and one that can be substantiated, that this communication-centric view is what we need for the evolution of better social worlds.

You will find many stories of how everyday citizens can become visionary leaders for new social initiatives, how new modes of living, being and working together can emerge, and how new social institutions can evolve. The website is also a resource-rich site for exploring these new possibilities for a better social future.

Cosmopolis2045 news

Cultural roots of our political problems

Cultural roots of our political problems

David Brooks recently published an opinion piece in which he identified five widespread cultural “lies” that are responsible for our contemporary political problems. His arguments against those lies and his alternative proposals align significantly with our vision for Cosmopolis.

Speculating about a social democracy in 2050

Speculating about a social democracy in 2050

In January 2019 John Quiggan wrote an opinion piece in the Guardian about what life could be like after the failure of capitalism in Australia. His observations have relevance beyond Australia and we found many of his ideas compatible with our projections in Cosmopolis.

Cosmopolis opens its doors

Cosmopolis opens its doors!

Cosmopolis2045 is now sufficiently evolved to throw open its doors to visitors. The website is up and running and we invite you to come and explore our imagined city of the future.

First trials completed

First trials completed

The first trial of Cosmopolis2045 was completed at the end of 2017. Revisions are underway and the public release will happen in 2018. Watch this space!

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