by CMM Institute | Dec 7, 2023 | Research news, Winter 2023
Applied social construction and design thinking:Implications for military contexts The CMM community has contributed to a small, but significant effort applying concepts of social construction to the development of intercultural agility and communicative resilience...
by CMM Institute | Dec 4, 2023 | Newsletter, Research news, Winter 2023
Communities of practice: An important peace-building role There is something about being “in community” that feels very different from going it alone. It may seem like an obvious statement, and while I agree that it is, it also raises the question of why we do not do...
by CMM Institute | Jun 22, 2019 | Research news, Summer 2019
New bibliography completed We’ve completed our bibliography of the more recent CMM orientated books and publications, with a specific focus on the period from 2000 to the present. Where we’ve been able, we’ve included links to the actual article or to where you can...
by CMM Institute | May 5, 2018 | Research news, Spring 2018
Women who work: Meaning-making in the Indonesian culture and its impact on career advancement Cornelia Patsy Budiman, a student in the Negotiation and Conflict Resolution program at Columbia University, describes her capstone research for her Master of Science. My...
by CMM Institute | Oct 31, 2017 | Fall 2017, Research news
Intercultural transitions and migrant-host relationships in Germany: An example of activist scholarship Activist scholarship is applied, engaged, and transformative with attention on the participants as co-researchers and partners working collaboratively with the...
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