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CosmoKidz goes to Louisianna

CosmoKidz goes to Louisianna

CosmoKidz goes to Louisianna: Our first ever Camp CosmoKidz We have sports camps, art camps, scholastic camps, but have you ever heard of a camp that focuses on helping kids develop better communicating skills? Well, this year there was one. We held our first ever...
Intercultural transitions

Intercultural transitions

Intercultural transitions and migrant-host relationships in Germany: An example of activist scholarship Activist scholarship is applied, engaged, and transformative with attention on the participants as co-researchers and partners working collaboratively with the...
2017 CMM Learning Exchange

2017 CMM Learning Exchange

2017 CMM Learning Exchange This year’s Learning Exchange is a joint creation by the CMM Institute and the Institute of Family Therapy ( and will be held at the premises of the Institute of Family Therapy in London. The program for this...
CMM Institute