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Kim Pearce – CMM Original Story

Kim Pearce shares CMM story

Kim & Barnett Pearce: The Evolution of CMM

Barnett and Kim talk about how their thinking of CMM has evolved over time from theory and practice to understanding CMM as “spiritual practice” (2011).

Kim & Barnett Pearce: Developing CMM Competencies

Philip Thomas talks with  Kim and Barnett Pearce about how CMM competencies can be developed.  (2011)

Kim & Barnett Pearce: Using the hierarchy model

Kim and Barnett talk about how they used the hierarchy model to make sense of the diagnosis of Barnett’s cancer.

Kim & Barnett Pearce: Episodes as Unfolding Events

In an interview with Philip Thomas, Kim and Barnett Pearce talk about Episodes (CMM tool) as unfolding events. (2011)

Kim & Barnett Pearce: Ways of Using CMM – Implicitly and Explicitly

Kim and Barnett Pearce talk about how they use CMM and how they decide when to be more explicit or implicit in their use. (2011)

Kim & Barnett Pearce: Using CMM Together in Our Relationship

Kim and Barnett reflect on how they have used CMM together in their relationship. (2011)

Kim & Barnett Pearce: The Cupertino Experience with Dialogue

Kim and Barnett Pearce talk about their experience working with the community of Cupertino, California in a community-wide dialogue process.

Kim & Barnett Pearce: Coordinated Enactment of Compassion

Kim and Barnett Pearce talk about their emerging idea of thinking about CMM as spiritual practice and specifically about what they have called the “Coordinated Enactment of Compassion”  (2011)

Kim & Barnett Pearce: Stories of Dalai Lama

Barnett reflects on stories about the Dalai Lama (2011)

Kim & Barnett Pearce: On Moments of Grace

Kim and Barnett talk about the importance of Moments of Grace.

Intro to CMM

A simple and brief animation introducing the Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM) approach to human communication and interaction

A first look at CMM

Published on Jan 29, 2014

Based on a First Look at Communication Theory by Em Griffin. Find more resources on this and other communication theories at

Communication Complex: Dr. John Parrish-Sprowl at TEDxIUPUI 2013

“Making better lives, relationships & communities”

John Parrish-Sprowl PhD, currently serves as the Co-Director of the Global Health Communication Center (GHCC) of the Indiana University School of Liberal Arts. In addition to being a Professor of Communication Studies, he is also a member of both the University College and the Russian and Eastern Europe Institute faculties of Indiana University. Parrish-Sprowl has numerous papers and publications, including a recent chapter on applied research and globalization in the Handbook of
Applied Communication Research and one just out on the role of new media in the transformation of post-socialist Europe. Currently he is contributing to the Community Health Engagement Program (CHEP) of the Clinical Translational Sciences Institute of Indiana (CTSI) and collaborating with WHO to work with Ministries of Health in multiple countries to create better health (including risk and crisis) communication capabilities, leading to improved health care access and indices.

CMM Conference at Columbia – Part 1

CMM Conference at Columbia

CMM Conference at Columbia – Part 3

CMM Conference at Columbia

CMM Institute – Learning Exchange 2014 Day 1

Some shots from Day 1 of the CMM Learning Exchange, 2014

CMM Learning Exchange 2014 – Day 2

Shots from day 2, CMM Learning Exchange 2014 in Oracle, AZ

Caly Meyers, CMM Fellow

Caly Meyers, CMM Fellow, shares some thoughts

Barton Buechner – thougths on CMM

CMM champion, Bart Buechner, shares some thoughts on CMM

Sharing research on Creative Breakthrough Emergence: A Conversational Accomplishment by Romi Boucher, PhD

Although many people WANT to be innovative and creative, in all kinds of organizations and situations, being that way and generating creative and innovative products with others is a hit or miss affair.

Curious as to what conversational patterns I might find associated with creative breakthroughs if I observed and analyzed two creative groups engaged in a communication product design for loosing-market-share midwestern greeting card company, I conducted case study research using a robust communication theory, the coordinated management of meaning, CMM. Over a four-month period in 2012, these two groups generated three creative breakthroughs as validated by creative breakthrough criteria. Six specific conversational conditions were found to facilitate creative breakthrough emergence in these collaborative workgroups. I share about the research and the findings in this video.

“How can we make a better social world”   Caly Meyers

Need vimeo link

Liliana Castañeda Rossmann Previews Learning Exchange Presentation



U&Me. John Stewart

U&ME is a not a text, a research report, or a scholarly publication.  It’s a communication self-help book, written to be as accessible as possible to laypeople.  Although I don’t use CMM language, the book is about building better social worlds by using insights from interpersonal neurobiology to apply practical communication strategies and tactics in eight life arenas:  online, dating & courtship, families, work/business, learning situations, politics, multicultural situations, and spiritual and religious contexts.  The book urges readers to improve the quality of their lives by making their communication “as personal as possible” in all these arenas.  Communication porofessionals will recognize the references to communication turning points, dialogical philosophy, Iaian McGilchrist’s work, Dan Siegel, mindfulness, media multitasking, relational dialectics, social networks, family metamessages, empathic and dialogic listening, constructivist learning theory, courageous conversations about race, facilitation and social capital, and microaggressions.  But all these are presented in simple language and applied in real-world situations.  The goal of the book is to help as many people as possible make their communicating as personal as possible.  More information is available at


This is Water

A 9 minute video about appreciating everyday life.

John Green’s Commencement Speech 2013

A CMMish commencement speech given by John Green in 2013.

“For the rest of your life you are going to have a choice about how to read grafitti in a language you do not know. And you will have a choice about how to read the actions and the intonations of the people you meet. I would encourage you as often as possible to consider the possibility that the lives and experiences of others are as complex and as unpredictable as your own.”    — John Green

“What are we making here?”

Dr. Michael Hemphill, Provost and Dean of Centenary College, delivers the 2011 Founders’ Day Address at Centenary College of Louisiana, “What Are We Making Here?”

Overcoming Polarized Narratives: Communication Perspectives

A panel dialogue with CMM Institute’s 2020 Fellows
27 January, 2021, part of Fielding University’s Alumni Conference: Global Leading and Learning in the Next Decade.

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