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CosmoActivities at the upcoming TAG conference


Building on the excitement of this year’s creation of a new home for all our CosmoActivities (, we are renewing our efforts to get CosmoKidz, CosmoTweenz, and CosmoTeenz into the hands of people for whom these resources can be meaningful! We owe a huge THANK YOU to gifted educator, Stephanie Higgs, for sharing her love for CosmoTweenz with her community on her Instagram page and at educational conferences she attended this summer. Stephanie has invited us to present a breakout session at the upcoming 2024 Tennessee Association for the Gifted (TAG) Fall Conference. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to reach a new audience and share in detail the power and purpose of the CosmoActivities. Longtime educator and CosmoKidz advocate, Amy McDonald, will be traveling to Tennessee on our behalf to host a session in which she will teach attendees how to use CosmoKidz and CosmoTweenz in the classroom, specifically with gifted students.

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