Making better social worlds for the 21st century:
Legacies and expanding horizons

This year, the Board of AFT are excited to face the challenges of our first online conference through a creative collaboration with the Friends of KCC and the Coordinated Management of Meaning Institute (CMMI). Whilst this move to online has been necessitated by the global pandemic, we also believe that it brings great opportunities, not the least in a theme well known to systemic thinkers; that we are all interconnected and interdependent.

We hope to honour the genesis of KCC (Kensington Consulting Centre), the great influence of the CMM Institute’s theory of communication and some of their intersections. We intend to explore key aspects of KCC’s much loved and missed hub of creative learning and, at the same time, we will aspire to show the breadth of the influence that exists within so many contemporary initiatives.

Throughout the conference we will be seeking to demonstrate how, by returning to our roots, we can make a better and more just future for humanity, the natural world and the whole planet. We are seeking to achieve this through a creative, novel, enjoyable and collaborative experience, which draws on the spirit of systems thinking and a sense of mystery.

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