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Daniel Walters

Daniel Walters is new to the CMM Institute but far from a stranger to CMM. From Redwood City, California, Daniel was born into a family that has used and encompassed CMM throughout his life. It is through this practical application, instead of the academic or theoretical, that he has best known and used CMM. This applied approach has created a foundation that he is keen to build upon during his time with the CMM Institute. More specifically his initiatives within the CMMI focus on supporting the development of CosmoKidz.
Daniel received his undergraduate degree from the University of Oregon where he studied Philosophy and Business. After graduating he moved to San Francisco to work in finance. In 2016 he moved to London where he continues to live and work with his fiancé Jess.

Daniel Walters

Daniel Walters is new to the CMM Institute but far from a stranger to CMM. From Redwood City, California, Daniel was born into a family that has used and encompassed CMM throughout his life. It is through this practical application, instead of the academic or theoretical, that he has best known and used CMM. This applied approach has created a foundation that he is keen to build upon during his time with the CMM Institute. More specifically his initiatives within the CMMI focus on supporting the development of CosmoKidz.
Daniel received his undergraduate degree from the University of Oregon where he studied Philosophy and Business. After graduating he moved to San Francisco to work in finance. In 2016 he moved to London where he continues to live and work with his fiancé Jess.
CMM Institute