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Special webinar showcasing Fellows’ projects

We are looking forward to being with you for the special webinar with the 2021-22 CMMI Fellows on March 18th from 1:00-3:00 PM EDT. (For those attending from other time zones, please note that the US will have switched to Daylight Saving Time at the time of the webinar, which may not be the case in all locations. You will receive an iCal invitation (with ZOOM link) that should confirm the time in your location.

As a way to deepen the conversation by allowing more discussion time, we have asked our Fellows to record presentations describing their projects (10-15 minutes each) in advance.  Fellows’ presentations will cover a wide range of interests and applications of CMM, responding to our 2021-22 Fellows’ call for proposals theme of “When family, work and community merge: Making meaning and growth from the pandemic experience.” Several of this years’ Fellows were selected as part of our partnership with the Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict, and Complexity (AC4) at Columbia University. Together, they represent an increasingly diverse and international cohort of Fellows.

We anticipate making the presentations available to all who have registered on or around March 11.  Among other things, by having the detailed presentations available in advance, we expect to be able to conduct the webinar in a two-hour space.

We will share the links on email, and also anticipate setting up space for dialogue ahead of time on the BaseCamp platform. We hope that this will help is better tune in to what we are “making together” in the discussion on the 11th.

After the Webinar, we are planning a follow up meeting where those in attendance may extend the conversation.  Tentatively, this will be April 14th at 2 PM Eastern Time.  We will have more information on this at the time of the Webinar.

Any questions between now and then, please email Bart Buechner at

Please register for the event on

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