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CosmoTeenz comic book

cosmoteenz comic book

The CMM Institute is one turn closer to the development of a comic book for teens ages 13-17. This comic book is being developed by our five CMM Institute Teen/Young Adult Fellows for helping teens around the world make better social worlds. The five Fellows come from three countries—Denmark, Norway, and the United States—and they range in age from 16 to 21. They all share a deep awareness and concern for the world they will soon be inheriting and leading as well as a deep desire to help create better social and environmental worlds.

As one of the Fellows said in her application, “Students are not offered enough opportunities to share their ideas and innovate within their communities independently from adults. Through my own cross-cultural experiences, I have developed a passion for connecting international communities…in which passionate students from different countries can create innovative ideas that transform society.” Echoing this sentiment another Fellow wrote, “I would like to be part of creating the best surroundings for my peers, so everyone can have the same willpower for change as I do.”

These five inspiring young women have been working together over the past year, using their talents, skills, and creativity to bring into being something they think will make a difference. The Institute will help make their creative innovation a reality by providing the resources to implement their ideas.

We are honored and excited to expand our Fellows program with the addition of the voices, experiences, and creativity of these five young women who know better than any adult what it is like to be a teen in the year 2023. We look forward to sharing what we learn from them and what they are developing on behalf of their peers.

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