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CMMi Fellows 2024: A diversity of issues


a diversity of issues

The 2024 CMM Institute Fellows represent a range of interests and applications of social construction principles from the Theory of the Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM) and related literature. Now nearing the halfway point of the Fellowship year, the 2024 Fellows have been meeting regularly to share ideas and receive peer and advisor feedback. 

The Fellows and their projects are:

Azida Binti Ahmad Azmi is applying CMM to understanding the balances between social forces around merit and equality/inequality by identifying discrepancies between “stories lived” and “stories told” by various groups in Malaysia.

Theresa Klepper is designing a workplace consultation around disability accommodation, guided by CMM concepts.

Alistair Pearson is developing a model of trauma-informed mental health and social work practice with systemic, restorative, and relational dimensions.  

Rose Sall is in the process of creating videos for sharing online, with which she hopes to engage others—outside of the communication field—who are interested in a better understanding of spirituality and pluralism, especially for those who would otherwise not likely encounter CMM. 

Ashley Watson is applying CMM concepts to build upon her recent dissertation research results on the subject of race and identity between US and African Blacks. The original study was based on symbolic interactionism theory, and she now plans to apply CMM concepts as a way to create healing and co-constructive space for both groups.

We expect to finalize arrangements soon for a date and venue for the Fellows to present their work, and interact with the broader CMM community. This will likely take place sometime in Fall of 2024.  In the meanwhile, we invite those who may be interested in sharing thoughts with the Fellows or learning more about their projects to be in touch.

To learn more about the Fellows and the Fellowship program contact the 2024 CMMI Fellows Program Co-Chairs

Barton Buechner

Beth Fisher-Yoshida.

Barbara McKay

Ilene Wasserman

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